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Makes The Rest Of Your Life Have a Happy Memory with Us

Vital Time Care can help you gain independence from your home and community, no matter what your goals are.

Expert Team

Friendly & Professional

Caring Staff

Expert Caring Staff That Understands You

24/7 Support

Always Ready to Support

About Vital Time Care

Heart of your health care

Vital time care was established on the founding principle of providing exceptional above and beyond services under the National Disability Insurance Scheme to people with disabilities.

Our Vision

Vital time Care strives to be an innovative disability services organisation with strategic focus, establishing its foundation and growing by exceeding industry standards in terms of professionalism, innovation, agility and responsiveness.

Our Mission

To continually support and enhance the wellbeing of the people with disabilities by providing excellent support and care for individuals and families.

Our Organisation

Operate with honesty, full power, integrity and without discrimination. Provide best, quality and sustainable services that are appropriate to our clients. Create an environment that values change” personal and professional growth and ability to think outside the square.

How to Access the NDIS?

Who We Are

We Give You The Place to Spent Your Life

Our multicultural team is fully qualified, loving and ready to set your goals with you and work with you to achieve them. Ndis is that you are independent and star care is there to start a journey with you.

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    Luciano Ferry
    Luciano Ferry


    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua Ut enim ad minim veniam

      Alya Allison
      Alya Allison

      CEO Bciaga

      Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua Ut enim ad minim veniam

        Trevor Hart
        Trevor Hart


        Our Service

        What Service We Offer

        We are registered with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission to deliver the following services:

        Group/Centre Activities

        Vital Time Care offers an inclusive space and opportunity for learning, friendship, growth and most importantly, fun. We encourage participants to participate in activities independently and / or participate in group workshops / activities.

        Daily Tasks/Shared Living

        Daily Activities / Shared Living focuses on developing and developing home skills that allow clients to live independently. It can also be introduced within shared cohorts such as units or host family planning.

        Participate Community

        These support materials enable the participant to participate in community, social and recreational activities. We can help you connect with the community. Support the activities you enjoy and learn new skills.

        Household Tasks

        We are certified NDIS providers who can assist you with Homework for daily living. We will fix any important household chores that you cannot do independently. Essential cleaning is provided at all of our clients’ most frequently used homes.

        Development-Life Skills

        Vital Time Care helps participants develop, make decisions and decide what is most important to them in their lives. This causes them to have more control over their lives. That is why the first step in developing the goals of life is to understand the goals.

        Innov Community Participation

        Daily Activities and projects in local communities are an important part of achieving the best through participation, empowerment, and community involvement. They can also help to build general skills.

        “A smile is a light in your window that tells others that there is a caring, sharing person inside.”

        Why Choose Us

        We Take Care All Your Needs

        We believe on the following guiding principles:


        is the foundation of all human relationships. There is something special about every one of us, regardless of age, ability, status or background.


        is about all-inclusive, linking people with disabilities with their families, and wider community organisations. We are a diverse community; young and old, from diverse cultural and language backgrounds.

        Accountability to everyone

        we will be relevant, transparent, responsive and accessible to our stakeholders.


        we will encourage fresh thinking, strive for continuous improvement in our services and use evidence to support ongoing improvements in the lives of people with disabilities.

        Quality and professionalism

        we will maintain high standards of quality services and governance.


        Join Us and Become Our New Family Chase Your Dream

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        Opening Hours
        Monday - Saturday

        Denpasar, Bali

        Seminyak, Bali

        Get Quote Easily By Contact with Us

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        What is NDIS?